Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

How can we pray for you? Share your prayer request (and read and pray for other requests) below.

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Prayed for 14 times

Just want desires and power to do the will of the Father. Please pray for the lord to return unto our household the JOY of our salvation! Thank you!



Prayed for 14 times

A specific calling, anointing, purpose, and identity in Christ! A new name on a white stone Noone else knows!



Prayed for 6 times

its been 3 months since ive lost my mother and im only 17 and i just feel lost inside, and i just ask that anyone who sees this to pray for me and my healing with grief. thank you.



Prayed for 6 times

Please pray for my wigs to be filled with joy and happiness. I would like them to work so that I can be able to fly to where God has already taken my soul. Please pray for my success in every aspect of my life.
